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Mr. Ari delivers Chief Guest address on Lean Green Construction at St.Peter's University

  Mr. O. Arivazhagan "Ari", CEO, IIPM, delivered Chief Guest address on the occasion of inauguration of “International Conference on Green Technologies" at St. Peter’s University on Wednesday, 19th March 2014.

  Earlier, Prof. Dr.D.S.Ramachandra Murthy, Vice Chancellor, Mr. Mark Griffith, Chief Operating Officer, Leighton and Guest of Honor, Dr. Selvan, Principal of the College and Dr. Parthiban, HOD of Civil Engineering addressed the gathering and shared their experiences in Green Construction.

  In his inaugural / chief guest address, to a gathering of nearly 200 - 300 students from various colleges around India, Mr. Ari explained about the basics and benefits of Lean Green Construction using classic example of the environmental impacts of irresponsible pollution created by uncontrollable/poorly moderated industrial growth and irresponsible usage of natural resources like coal, water, power etc.

  He used a flight story on "Traveling to Mars" to convey the message to students on the importance of "Lean Green Technologies". To demonstrate the Global impact, he took the audience on a virtual flight journey from Chennai, India – Paris, France and then later to Beijing, China....... Read More

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and could not land his flight in those cities because of the thick smog and poor visibility owing to the abuse of the natural resources which resulted the heavy environmental pollution and as a last resort, he took the passengers to the Red Planet (Mars) saying that,  very soon our own Blue Planet (Earth) is likely to become a Red Planet, so that the passengers get the first-hand idea of how inhabitable the Red Planet would be.

  Fortunately or unfortunately, a call from the Mother Earth to abort the visit to Mars and return came to the commander claiming there is a safe landing place on the Earth, which he said, is Chennai, India whose environmental pollution levels are, although above the WHO permitted the limits of 20 micro gram per cubic meter of air,  it is definitely not as bad as Paris (400 micro gram per cubic meter of air) or Beijing (600 micro gram per cubic meter of air) which are almost 20 to 30 times more than WHO permitted air pollution limits. The commander of the flight and pass angers were so happy and on alighting from the flight, they resolved to save the environment from pollution in order not to turn the Blue Planet to Red Planet.

  The students as well as the professors were highly thrilled to hear the story and realized the importance of the pollution levels in the major cities of the developed countries/developing countries and the impact it has in general on the Blue Planet and finally why it is high time the construction industry adopted “Lean Green Construction” to save the Blue Planet for the benefit of the future young generation.

  He also declared on behalf of IIPM two grants of each Rs. 10,000 to two student papers on Lean Green Construction by St. Peter’s University students. In order to create awareness of Lean Green Construction and sustain the interest of students on Lean Green Construction, he stressed upon the students to start implementing Lean Green efforts at their homes first.

  He even went on to suggesting the audience and the students an idea to innovate a product that will have a sensor which will sense the presence of the human beings in bedrooms or halls and switch off the fans & lights when no human beings are present continuously for more than 1 minute in order to save the precious electrical energy which in turn avoids burning coal in thermal power plants, considered a major cause for environmental pollution.

  The students and the professors applauded the idea and were keen to explore the possibility of implementing this idea as their student’s project. The address came to an end with a thundering of applause from the audience for his wonderful inspirational speech to the students.

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